Fast Foodie Series: IKEA Meatballs

30 Mar

This is part of what we call the “Fast Foodie” series where we use what we have in our fridge and in our pantry and try and whip up a meal. It’s usually done at the end of a working day, when we’re both tired and the last thing on our mind is what do we cook for dinner (I know, I know, we need a better plan, but this seems to work for us now, even though at times we don’t eat until about 8pm)! Eeks..

So tonight, we scoured our freezer and dug out half a bag of IKEA Meatballs…SCORE!


Then we threw in a few things together to form this – our creation of IKEA Meatballs, mashed potatoes, steamed vegetables and Sammy’s swedish meatball sauce.

There’s no real recipe to this, it’s a lot of tasting and adding in things until you get the right – and Sammy got the sauce right alright! It was so close to the IKEA version…

Our meal took about 30-40 minutes to prepare and cook, but we didn’t have enough for lunch unfortunately, so this was just for the 3 of us.

We boiled and peeled the potatoes and made them into mash (with butter and milk)…

Side Dish

then we chucked the meatballs into the oven for about 15 mins. Then Sammy started on the sauce…

IKEA Meatball Sauce wannabe – First, she chops some red onions and pops them into the pan to be caramelized…

Then she puts in beef stock (diluted with some water), when it’s thickened a little, she puts in the cream (you can use fresh cream, but because we didn’t have any, we had to use long life cream instead). Then, just a little of corn flour to thicken it a little and salt and pepper to taste. It tasted great!

While that was happening, boil the vegetables (or microwave them if you prefer) and tadah! You have a balanced meal for 3, all under 40 minutes. These are the times when we are thankful for modern inventions 😛

Side Dishes

There is just so much you can do with meatballs (doesn’t have to be IKEA ones, it can be pre-made ones), but having them handy in the freezer for times like this always saves some brain juice thinking of what to eat! In the past, we’ve also made them into spaghetti and meatballs and I know friends who adds them with their mee goreng or instant noodles – or you can top them onto a pizza base for just something a little different. The options are endless!

How do you eat your meatballs?

1 Comment

Posted by on March 30, 2011 in Fast Foodies


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One response to “Fast Foodie Series: IKEA Meatballs

  1. Game Compass

    September 3, 2014 at 6:36 am

    So verschrieen zocken auch hingestellt wird, so ist experimentell festgestellt worden, dass spielen, eine gewisse Reife
    des Gamers vorausgesetzt, förderlich für den Geist des Spielenden ist.
    Beim Daddeln von Videospielen lernt der Spielende mit Spaß und ohne den Druck Konsequenzen tragen zu müssen schneller als üblich Entscheidungen zu machen und
    seine Aktionen und Reaktionen zu priorisieren. Einige Videospiele vermitteln darüber hinaus auch Basiswissen über Management
    und fördern die kognitiven Fähigkeiten. Auch die verrissenen MMOs können doch in manchen Fällen den vorgeschobenen Effekt des Abdriftens in eine virtuelle Realität} aufhalten.
    Der Spielende kann wohl auch einigen wenigen verkommenen Subjekten begegnen, jedoch findet der Spieler nur zu
    oft in seinem favorisierten Spiel Gleichgesinnte.

    Kurz gehalten: zocken ist genial! Ungeachtet des Spiels und auch auf welcher Plattform.


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