Category Archives: Blast from the Past

BFTP: Our Typical Christmas Family Feast

I call this the Blast from the Past Series – these series will welcome you into our world before we started venturing into the world of blogging. These can be our past attempts, our journeys of food delights back home in Malaysia or travels overseas done pre-2011.

For this series, let me bring you back to Christmas 2010 (I know, it’s not that much of a blast – but the time machine lacks some steam at this point 😛 PUN totally intended!).

Let me tell you a little of our Christmas tradition, we always meet on Christmas Eve together as an extended family (I know, not on Christmas day? – Shock horror!) and each family we will bring a dish to share, most of the time we have Chinese food as a get together rather than the traditional Christmas ham etc. We did try buying a turkey once, but it got too expensive…plus it was a bit dry, which was probably why I don’t even eat much turkey now.

We usually try and make our way home on Christmas and New Year, and last year we did along with all our goodies.

Biscuits Snacks Chinese-New-Year-Goodies

I always look forward to going home firstly to see dad, mum, becks, my cousins, aunts and uncles, but secondly, to eat all the food! I usually have a list of things that I want to eat once we touch down (MAMAK! HOKKIEN MEE!) and of course my parent’s delicious homecook food. It’s always the meals that are cooked from the heart that tastes the best.

So this year, all the family came together again. We had a huge debate about what food we will have for Christmas. Some of us wanted to deviate from the usual and not have Chinese but instead have a western meal. But SOME members of the family threaten to boycott our dinner if they didn’t have roast pork!! The nerve!! So we caved, and last year, we had roast pork (as demanded).

Mum wanted to cook prawns but we couldn’t find good, large prawns anywhere, so she came up with Plan B and made Asparagus wrapped in bacon. All she did was wrap the bacon around the asparagus and then it was drizzled with olive oil. It turned out rather good! Considering that was not her original plan!

Asparagus with Bacon

Then there was steamed chicken and fish…

Chinese-dinner fried-fish steam-chicken


Baby-Buk-Choy Stir-Fry

…and the pride of the table…the ROAST PORK…! Yummm….! I guess it was worth missing out on the Western Christmas meal!

Roast-Pork crispy-skin-pork

This was what we ate that night, I have to tip my hats to all the chefs – I reckon I am so privileged to have such wonderful cooks in our family. Every dish was yummy and like all our Christmas meals we were FULLY satisfied…aahh…to taste that roast pork again…

Chinese Christmas

Wow, that brought me on a bit of a salivating journey back home…just looking at the pictures tickled my senses! I can’t wait for the next Christmas! What will it be? Western or Eastern? I reckon we will always lose out to that roast pork.

Merry Christmas everyone!


Ok, back to reality now….It is April Fool’s day for a reason!


Posted by on April 1, 2011 in Blast from the Past, Malaysian


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